Monday, September 01, 2008

Introducing Governor Palin

Many women supporters of Senator Hillary Clinton felt slighted by the outcome of the democratic primary. Many felt that sexism was interjected into the race and nothing was done to stop its presence. You may be tempted to jump ship and support Senator John McCain because of his surprise vice president selection of Governor Sarah Palin, but before you jump ship, please consider the fact that Governor Palin’s view on the issues are substantially different than Senator Clinton's views.

Senator Palin is a hunter and a strong advocate of the Second Amendment.

As an Alaskan mayor, Senator Palin reduced taxes. As a governor, she pushed to increase taxes on the oil industry.

Senator Palin believes in allowing free market competition in the healthcare field.

Gay Rights:
Senator Palin opposes gay marriage and opposed an Alaskan constitutional amendment banning it.

Senator Palin opposes federal regulations that would limit economic growth to protect the environment.

Senator Palin opposes abortion except to save the mother’s life.

Senator Palin favors teaching creationism in public schools.

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