Sunday, March 15, 2009

Freedom Fund Fun

Yesterday Dr. Smiles and I attended a fundraiser at the Georgia International Horse Park to benefit the Rockdale County NAACP Freedom Fund – a college scholarship program. There were probably over one hundred people in attendance, including local dignitaries. The keynote speaker was Royal Marshall, co-producer of the Neal Boortz’s show. At first, I was skeptical of Marshall because of his association with the decisive and confrontational Neal Boortz, but to his credit he gave decent speech about the struggles of the civil rights movement, the changes associated with the election of President Barack Obama, and the challenges moving forward. He spoke for approximately thirty-five (35) minutes and his speech boils down to four points: (1) pick your battles wisely, not everything is worth fighting for; (2) don’t get complacent, always seek to grow; (3) when one door closes, a window will open, look for all available opportunities, and (4) only you can rescue your dream, if you want it to come true, you have to make it happen.

All-in-all, it was a great affair as Dr. Smiles and I got to support a great cause and mingle with the local elite. Additionally, we got to get all dressed up, which is something we haven’t gotten to do in awhile.

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