Friday, April 25, 2008

Reverend Jeremiah Wright - Right or Wrong?

Earlier in the month video clips surfaced of Senator Obama’s former pastor Jeremiah Wright giving sermons titled “The Day of Jerusalem’s Fall” and “Confusing God and Government.” He gave the first sermon five days after the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks and he not so subtly suggested that Americans should not be so surprised that were attacked because of America’s previous actions at home and abroad. Reverend Wright gave the second sermon on April 2003 and addresses America’s past and present shortcomings as they relate to minorities. News media rapidly picked up the controversial elements of his sermons, clipped them into nice 60 second spots, and continued to loop Wright’s fiery delivery without putting his speeches in context. Conservatives condemned Senator Obama for attending his church and most pundits labeled Wright crazy, unpatriotic, and some labeled Wright a racist.

Through the process, Reverend Wright has remained quite about his motivations for giving the fiery speeches until now. Earlier this week Wright hit the Washington D.C. talk circuit to offer context to his sermons and explanations. The fine folks at ABC News, perhaps as a way of redeeming themselves for their horrible presidential debate, have provided the context for Wright’s controversial sermons. I ask that you break the chains of the media’s interpretation and free think for yourself and determine whether you think Reverend Wright’s sermon is as outrageous as we’ve been told. Contexts for the sermons are below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Who is he to get up and use a pulpit, a place of worship and a spiritual safe haven, to fabricate and regurgitate political garbage in the name of religion? Does the Bible not say in Luke "Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned, forgive, and ye shall be forgiven?" Or that no sin is greater than another (outside of blasphamy)? Thus, the very sins of the country he is taking great refuge in, is no more guilty or worthy of being "damned" than his own very soul! Furthermore, I am sure his own salary, closing in on half a million, could be much better served divided among those millions of black men who don't have jobs or getting black children a decent education(I'm much less concerned about their experience or lack there of at a golf course). SO before he condemns this great country of ours and the highly successful black leaders out there, maybe he needs to examine himself a little closer. I hate to be the one to break it to him, given his over inflated sense of self worth, but as Salt and Pepper would say "there is only one true judge and that's God, so chill and let my father do his job."