I watched a documentary on Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign last night, and it reinvigorated my support for Obama. His 2008 campaign was so unique because it was fuelled and funded by a grassroots effort. Obama not only energized the base of the Democratic Party; he inspired a diverse and previously disengaged group of people to join and participate in the political process.
Our support of Obama was not in vain because his first term was a success. His policies not only slowed the recession, but are now leading to slow and steady economic growth. The public and private sector are creating jobs, and some companies are even making record profits. He leveled the playing field for all workers, signing the Lilly Ledbetter Equal Pay Act.
Although controversial, he nudged America in the right direction with the Affordable Care Act. It prevents insurance companies from excluding people based on preexisting conditions, allows children to stay on their parent’s insurance, and prevents people from going bankrupt because of medical bills. It was time that America joined the rest of the industrial world by providing access to healthcare for all its citizens.
Obama also made America safer. He made the military more inclusive by repealing No Ask Don’t Tell. He brought our troops home from Iraq, and took steps to fortify our position Afghanistan. Under his leadership, the navy seals were able to strike Osama bin Laden off the most wanted list.
The items listed above are not even all the high points. It is true that Obama did not do everything he promised, or did all I would have liked him to do. However, he has done more than enough to warrant second term. Obama had my support in 2008, and he has my support in 2012.
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