Thursday, March 01, 2012

The Indoctrinator

Rick Santorum is too extreme to be President of United States.  Actually, a majority of Americans should consider Santorum too extreme to run for president.  His campaign is nothing more than attempt to ignite an unnecessary cultural war.  For example, Santorum recently ranted against college attendance.  He questioned whether conservatives should attend four-year colleges because they are allegedly “indoctrination mills” where conservative-minded students suffer from “ridicule” from “liberal” professors and students because of their conservative values and Christian faith.  He further stated, “62% of children who enter college with a faith conviction leave without it.”

I find Santorum’s comments demeaning and offensive because he is essentially saying I am (and his children) are strong enough to withstand the alleged liberal indoctrination but you and your children are not.  Therefore, you should not send your children to college.  Santorum not only has a college degree, but also has two professional degrees in law and business.  Plus two of his children attend “liberal arts” schools.

 I started and graduated Emory University, one of the more liberal colleges in the south, with a strong Christian faith.  Emory allowed me to practice my faith while teaching me to respect the fact that other students maintained their own faith and religious practice.  No one ever tried to indoctrinate me or my friends of different races, political backgrounds, and religions.  Sure, we had late night debates about faith, religion, and politics, and people were asked to defend their positions, but everyone always respected everyone’s right to have an independent opinion.  No one forced you to change your beliefs.
On the contrary, it seems like Santorum and his followers are the ones doing the indoctrinating.  They are striving to create a monolithic America where compromise and respect for differing opinions is taboo.  They are the ones saying that if you oppose our views, you follow some “phony theology” and are un-American.  Santorum is too extreme to lead a culturally diverse America.

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