Thursday, July 17, 2008

Senator Obama's Response to the New Yorker Cover

On July 15, 2008, Senator Barack Obama addressed the New Yorker magazine cover and stated, "Well, I know it was The New Yorker's attempt at satire. I don't think they were entirely successful with it. But you know what? It's a cartoon...and that's why we've got the First Amendment...One of the things when you're running for president for almost two years, you get a pretty tough skin. And, you know, I've seen and heard worse."

Senator Obama went on to say about the New Yorker cover, "[The cover] is actually an insult against Muslim-Americans, something that we don't spend a lot of time talking about...There are wonderful Muslim-Americans all across the country who are doing wonderful things, and for this to be used as a sort of insult, or to raise suspicions about me, I think is unfortunate, and it's not what America's all about."

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