Sunday, May 18, 2008

Clinton’s Problems

Senator Hillary Clinton started the primary season as the “presumptive” nominee and as the primary season is coming to an end; her chances of being the “eventual” nominee is narrowing by the day (and I’m happy about that as I’ve supported Senator Barack Obama from day one). I believe the central reason why Senator Clinton will lose her bid for the White House is because she repeatedly showed the country that she was willing to say anything to get a win. For example:

  1. In South Carolina, she and former President Bill Clinton minimized Senator Obama’s historic win by saying his victory was insignificant because it was just another black candidate winning in state with a large black population.
  2. After Super Tuesday, she criticized the caucus and small states to play up the importance of big states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
  3. After Senator Obama’s big North Carolina win and close Indiana loss, she stated that she should be the nominee because she had a stronger coalition of “Americans, hard working Americans, white Americans.” In other words, she’s not-so discreetly argued that Senator Obama can’t win because lower income and educated whites prefer her to the black candidate.
  4. After falling behind in popular votes and delegates, she conveniently started arguing for the Florida and Michigan vote to count when she previously argued from them not to count.

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