Monday, March 10, 2008

Politics of Ignorance

Iowa Republican Congressman Steve King is the epitome of what’s wrong with current American politics. His comments about Senator Barack Obama’s potential presidency should be considered highly insulting to all Americans and democracy because they’re based on ignorance and attempt to capitalize on people’s fears. Congressman King’s actions are embarrassing and disrespectful to his esteemed position.

Congressman King had the audacity of saying “[Obama will] certainly be viewed as a savior for them.” The “them” refers to terrorist. He went on to say that al-Qaida “would be dancing in the streets in greater numbers than they did on September 11 because they would declare victory in this war on terror.” Congressman King based his ignorant and unfounded opinion on Senator Obama’s pledge to pull U.S. troops from Iraq, his father’s Muslim roots in Kenya and his middle name, Hussein, which Congressman King speculates has a meaning to terrorist.

I commend presidential hopeful Senator John McCain for rejecting Congressman King’s comments as the type of politics that degrade our civics.

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